Circles of love and support for women by women in honor and celebration of the wild feminine.

Many, many women can feel something stirring within, and they sense something stirring without...A deep need to tell our stories and be heard. A longing to heal past hurts and move beyond them, into something big and bold and fresh and new.
— Burning Woman, Lucy H. Pearce


Welcome to SPIRIT WOMAN, the newest blossom in the soul garden!

This seed dream was always waiting in me, beckoning me forward through the long winters of my life, ready to emerge when the circumstances were such that she could thrive.

SPIRIT WOMAN is re-emerging and rising in women’s consciousness again, awake, alive, and on fire with passionate purpose. She is the embodiment of the divine Feminine , the Goddess in full blossom no longer restricted to living tight in the bud, enduring too small a life.

We are all dreamers, warriors, and healers. It was always our path to cultivate these aspects of ourselves and help them function as one, as SPIRIT WOMAN.

SPIRIT WOMAN is an invitation for women to reawaken to their intuition, imagination, and innate abilities to live and create in harmony with the cycles and seasons in nature.

As we remember our inner beauty and unlock this ancient wisdom, born from earth and sky, we can better express it and stand strong within our relationships, families, and communities.

The deep Feminine, the mystery of consciousness, She who is life, is longing for our transformation as much as we are. She holds back, allowing us free reign to choose, nudging us occasionally with synchronicities, illness, births and deaths… But when we make space for Her, she rushes into all the gaps, engulfing us with her desire for life and expression. This is what She longs for, this is what we are for: experiencing the Feminine through ourselves.
— Lucy H. Pearce, Medicine Woman


Cave art, paintings, and other ceremonial artifacts show that women have gathered in circles for thousands of years for the purpose of connecting with the cycles and seasons in nature and each other.

These circles were a celebration of the wild feminine and considered incredibly potent and healing. It was believed that when women came together and connected as one, their relationship to divine source was strengthened and they could seek answers to any problem.

As time went on, women began to be persecuted for participating in ceremonies like women’s circles and connecting to the the natural and spirit realms. Many women were accused of practicing witchcraft and were tortured and executed.

It wasn’t until the mid to late 1900s that women’s circles were practiced again, and not until the last decades that they occurred in the West.


When women gather, the world will heal.
— Hopi Prophecy