Q: Do you offer your services remotely?

A: I offer my services in the distance healing format (phone or video) as there are no geographic limitations when working with energies. 


Q: Do you offer any gift certificates?

A:  Yes, please submit your request here.


Q: How can a Life Path Reading assist me?

A:  A Life Path Reading focuses mainly on the present moment and finding openings that invite movement and joy back in your life. You will be reconnecting with your unique strengths and soul path. Your reading is facilitated with beautiful healing cards such as the Rainbow Warrior Awaken!, Tarot of Transformation, and Lover's Path Tarot decks

The Tarot offers guidance and empowerment to make the changes you want to make. A reading invites you to take an honest look at your situation. The cards can give you key information that will help you create the life of your choosing. Crossroads or choice points in life are where we grow and the Tarot will not take that experience away from you. While suggestions are given, no one should make important decisions or take big steps in life based only on a Life Path Reading.

The Tarot rarely gives direct “yes” or “no” answers to questions. It is not designed to pinpoint exact dates, times, and locations. Yet, the Tarot is excellent with sequences of events. If you ask, "When will I meet my true love?" the reading will show you what needs to happen, be changed, or be adjusted before you are ready to find a life partner. 


Q: What is shamanic healing?

A:  Shamanism is an ancient healing tradition (40 000 + years) and a way of life. Shamanic healing facilitates healing of the soul, the vital essence of a person. The word shaman translates as “one who knows” and originates from the Tungus tribe in Siberia. The word shamanism can be used to describe the universal spiritual wisdom and ancient healing practices of indigenous cultures all over the world. We all have shamanism in our ancestry, but we lost our shamanic knowledge centuries ago due to religious oppression. As modern shamanic practitioners, we are reweaving the tapestry of healing connections that our ancestors initiated, and in doing so, reclaiming our spiritual heritage.

A shamanic healing practitioner is a specific type of healer who uses an alternate state of consciousness to enter the invisible world. Shamanic healing practitioners work in tandem with their compassionate helping spirits whom they have formed loving intimate relationships with through extensive experience and practice.

Shamanic healing addresses the spiritual component of physical illness. It works by creating spiritual conditions that are conducive to self-healing. Shamanic healing can boost your spiritual immune system and help return you to wholeness.

A client can expect to experience shifts during a session, but the full results of the healing will become evident with time.

Who can benefit from shamanic healing?

Depression, anxiety, insomnia, addictions, a sense of being stuck, emotional distress, ancestral issues, toxic relationships, PTSD and chronic pain conditions are issues one might bring to a shamanic healing session.

It is important that you seek out modern conventional medical or therapeutic assistance for any mental or physical illness. Shamanic healing works well in conjunction with these modern practices. It is not a replacement for it.

I offer a 20 minute free consultation so that you may have all your questions answered and decide if shamanic healing is right for you.


Q: How do I prepare for my shamanic healing session? 

A:  Make sure you are well-hydrated, and if possible consume healthy natural foods before your session. If the body is busy digesting heavy foods there is less power to the healing process.

Avoid alcohol and recreational drugs for at least three days before and after the session.

It is helpful to set an intention to heal, to let go of old patterns and struggles, and to trust in the goodness and potency of this work.


Q: What do I need to be mindful of after my shamanic healing session? 

A: Everyone will have their own experience during and after a healing. You may experience changes in your energy levels and/or physical symptoms such as a headache or stomach upset. You might feel amazing straight away, or its also possible that you may feel worse for awhile before it gets better. In general, the first healing is a bit harder to process. Below are a few things that can help you integrate the work and ease your own journey to a healed state. 

Stay hydrated!

Ground with healthy food and drinks. Avoid caffeine, sugar, and alcohol. 

Your body is wise. Allow it to have the healing journey it needs to have. The more you can be with what is coming up for you, the easier the process. You may experience cold so stay warm and be nourished.

You may wish to shower or have an epsom salt bath.

Get plenty of rest, take walks in nature, and be gentle with yourself to allow the healing to settle.

Journal and process mentally.

Connect with your joy and do things you love. Sometimes watching your favorite show is the best way to integrate an intense healing session.

Keep in mind that you are bringing an issue into focus to find balance and harmony in that area of your life. The benevolent powers of the universe will help you work through any remaining blocks that you may have, by creating the events that help you finish the process of rewiring and transforming. 

I  welcome any questions or concerns you may be holding after your session.